Frequently Asked Questions
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Q: How do I book an appointment?
Booking protocol varies by artist; for more details, click here to view artist profiles.
Booking with guests varies from artist to artist; to book with a guest artist, please visit our Instagram account and view guest announcement posts for booking details.
Q: Where will I be booked ?
All appointments are booked in at the private studio at 10 Carden Street, Unit A, Guelph, Ontario (right across from Guelph City Hall), unless otherwise specified for guest spots.
Q: What are your rates?
The shop hourly is a minimum $180 plus tax, which includes drawing time. The overall cost of your piece will be dependent on size, placement and if it’s colour or black and grey.
Q: How do I pay for my appointment?
Spring Fever takes cash, credit or debit! Debit or cash are preferred when possible.
Q: Do you take a deposit?
Deposits are taken at the discretion of each artist. However, some of us do work on somewhat of an honour policy for cancellations. If you need to reschedule or cancel for any reason, please give me a minimum of 72 hours notice so we can fill the appointment spot. If you need to reschedule or cancel multiple times without adequate notice or explanation you risk not being booked back in. There are of course exceptions for extenuating circumstances.
Q: Can I see my drawing in advance?
Unfortunately not. We typically start drawing for your appointment a few days in advance & will tweak right up until the time of your appointment. However, this doesn’t mean we won’t be able to make some adjustments as it’s important to us that you’re 100% satisfied with the design.
In the interest of limiting the amount of changes that may need to be made, please be as specific as possible in your form submission and ensure you are dedicated to what you are proposing.
Q: Can we sit down for a consultation to work together on a design?
We typically use the form in place of a consultation as this limits the amount of scheduling necessary and allows us to fit more people in for actual tattoos. There are some exceptions for larger pieces and special circumstances though (such as cover ups) so you can always ask!
Q: I’m turning 17 this month and have my parents consent, will you tattoo me?
Unfortunately, no. We only tattoo people 18 years or older regardless of parental consent. Thank you for thinking of me, though!
Q: Can I be tattooed when I am on antibiotics?
Sadly, no. If you are tattooed while on antibiotics it will not heal properly. Please talk to your tattooer about the medications you are taking so they know how to best help you!
Q: Is Spring Fever accessible?
It is! However, in order to make your visit with us as comfortable as possible, we ask that you discuss your accessibility needs with your tattooer beforehand so that we can ensure a comfortable experience for you!
Q: Can I get a Tattoo while pregnant or breast/chest feeding?
That’s a No from us. Your body is already hard at work, so we recommend waiting until you’re done with that part of the journey.
There is limited street parking in front of the shop for a maximum of two hours. The closest lots to Spring Fever are the Market Parkade located at 10 Wilson Street, which is paid permit parking. Additionally the Macdonnell Street Parking Lot at 34 Macdonnell Street (also paid by permit) is one block from the shop. Both paid lots are $3.00 hourly from Monday-Friday and $3 for the day on Saturday.
For additional parking information & rates, please see the City of Guelph’s Downtown Parking Map.